**** Heikki Seppänen's basic homepage v2 ****


My first contact with computers was in early 80's when my father bought a Sinclair ZX-81 and my first basic programs were written for the ZX-81. Then in 1986 we bought a Commodore 64. First it was used mainly for gaming, but later I also learned some 6502 assembler with it. I also wrote some basic programs with the C64.

Later in school's computer club (which was run by my father) I learned to code in Pascal. Pascal was used also in upper secondary school CS classes. I have later learned C, Perl and Python, although I don't consider myself being a real coder by any means. I will hack together a script or two when needed, but I couldn't imagine myself writing code all day for living..

I am also interested in the old days of computing, so I have collected a small collection of pieces from the (home) computing and video gaming history.

As you can see, this page layout and colour theme was inspired by the trusty old Commodore 64 boot screen and colour palette.

My collection

Personal computers, workstations and servers

Working condition of items marked with * is unknown, others have at least been tested working in the past or are known to be broken.

Handheld computers and early smartphones

Game consoles



Other devices


CPU architectures

Most major microprocessor architectures are present in my collection of old (and new) computers and embedded devices. Here's a list of them with examples of devices utilizing them.


Computer History Museum - I have visited The Computer History Museum in Mountain View, and highly recommend it to everyone :)
Tynemouth Software blog
Old Vintage Computing Research
Ken Shirriff's blog
DOS Days
Zimmers.net Commodore page
The Museum of HP Calculators
HP Computer Museum
Spectrum Computing
Planet Sinclair
The CPU Shack