Amateur radio
I have been an amateur radio operator since 1997. Even before I got my radio amateur license I had joined Radio Club of Technical Students in University of Oulu. I have been an active member of the club ever since.
I am also a member of Kahdeksikkojen kerho ry (OH8AA), Radio- ja tietoteknillinen seura HAM ry (OH8ABV), Radioamatööritekniikan seura ry (OH2NX) and The Finnish Amateur Radio League.
My amateur radio activities have been mainly on VHF and UHF local contacts. When technical class in Finland got permission to use HF bands few years ago, I bought a Yaesu FT-857 multiband multimode tranceiver. After that I have taken part in some national amateur contests from my parents place in Kuhmo. Nowadays I also have a G5RV antenna on my backyard for HF. I also bought an Icom IC-910H but haven't installed any usable VHF or UHF antennas yet..
You can usually find me on Oulu 70cm repeater (434.750 MHz, -2.0 MHz shift), R.Net network (Oulu R.Net repeater at 434.975MHz, -2.0 Mhz shift, 114.8 Hz CTCSS) or on Oulu 2m repeater (145.750MHz, -0.6 MHz shift). Direct FM frequencies 434.225 MHz and 145.225 MHz are also on my scanning list.
My Moppe collection
I have a collection of Nokia/Mobira VHF/UHF tranceivers, most of which have been modified to work on radio amateur frequencies. These Nokia/Mobira tranceivers in amateur use are called "Moppe" in Finland.
- Mobira HC17
- Mobira MC25PTL
- Nokia RC25
- Mobira RD25
- Nokia HD40
- Nokia RC40
- Nokia RD40
- Nokia RB58VY
- Nokia RC58
- Nokia RD58 * 2
- Nokia MD59
- Nokia HD70
- Nokia HD80
- Nokia MD94
- Aplicom RB660
My other old radios
- Mocoma VHF Combi
- Philips FM1000